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Dec 18, 2013

مشروع تعزيز مشاركة الشباب في المجتمع المدني لزيادة الوعي البيئي ( حماة البيئة )

مشروع تم بالشراكة بين الاغاثة الكاثوليكية وجمعية بيئتي وUSID  ، المشروع لمدة ثلاثة أشهر بدأ من شهر أغسطس حتى شهر أكتوبر ومدد لبداية شهر نوفمبر. 

هدف المشروع :

 تعزيز دور الشباب في التوعية وحشد الآراء لمواجهة التغيرات المناخية والسلبية للبيئة .

تضمن المشروع :

- دورة تدريبية لمدة 4 أيام  في مطعم السلام لمدة 6 ساعات في اليوم وتضمنت عدة مواضيع منها (مهارات حياتية كالتخطيط، تنظيم الوقت، الاتصالات (10ساعات) ،، تدريب مدربين (10ساعات) وأخيرا المناصرة وحشد الآراء،- حملات توعية للشباب وحملة تشجير لعدة مدارس وجامعات وتصوير فيلم يضم القضايا البيئية والتي تربط بين المتطوعين من المجموعات المشاركة ( الزيرو ويست مينا – حركة الشباب للتغير المناخي – النادي البيئي من جمعية بيئتي )

تجربتي الشخصية في المشروع :

في شهر أغسطس تلقيت  بريدا الكترونيا يتضمن دعوة من مبادرة صفر نفايات للمشاركة في مشروع حماية البيئة وقبلت الانخراط في المشروع لتجربة توعية فئات مختلفة من المجتمع وتكوين صورة سليمة حول رأي المجتمع في القضايا البيئية  وتم تزويدي بالتفاصيل المهمة عن المشروع عن طريق اتصال من جمعية بيئتي ولقاء افتتاحي في مطعم السلام وضح فيه ماهية المشروع والمجموعات المشاركة وأنشطة المشروع .

في شهر سبتمبر بدأت فعاليات المشروع بتدريب مكثف لمدة أربعة أيام متواصلة لمدة 6 ساعات في اليوم مع المدرب / تيسير أبو حجير ( رئيس مؤسسة تامي) ، التدريب مكثف ورائع ومنوع يحتوي على العديد من الأنشطة والموضوعات التي تهمنا لمواصلة المشروع وانجاحه فقد تحدث عن التدريب وكيف تكون قائد ناجح والاتصال والتواصل والمناصرة واستخدام الاعلام الاجتماعي في التأثير والتوعية مع المدرب / محمد أبو سلطان ( التدريب في اليوم الأخير ممل نوعا ما ، التدريب خلال الأيام الأربعة مميز واستفدت منه في حياتي العملية والشخصية وقد أصبحت قادرة على تنظيم وقتي بشكل 94% من اليوم وقادرة على التواصل مع الفريق بشكل رائع وتعلمت التناغم والانتماء لمبادرة صفر نفايات التي كنت ما أعرف عنها قبل هذا التدريب سوى معلومات بسيطة عن المبادرة لكني الآن قادرة على أن أمثل المبادرة كعضو فيها  في أي مكان.

في شهر أكتوبر اجتمعنا مع احدي المؤسسات المسؤولة عن تصوير الأفلام الوثائقية وهي مؤسسة الاعلام المجتمعي برئاسة عندليب عدوان وأبدت اعجابها بنشاطنا و مسئوليتنا نحو البيئة وقد كان اجتماع له تأثير في شخصيتي ، أصبحت قادرة على انتاج أفكار جديدة وعصرية تصلح لأفلام وقد تلقيت اتصال من مساعدة  السيدة عندليب تدعوني للانضمام لفريق يقوم بصناعة الأفلام لكني كنت مشغولة في الاخراج النهائي لبحث التخرج .

في شهر نوفمبر بدأنا مرحلة التوعية في كلية تدريب غزة , سعدت بالتعامل مع فئة خاصة وهي فئة المهنيين وكنت أنا من فريق التوعية وحاولت قدر الامكان توصيل المفاهيم البيئية بأبسط صورة وقد شاركنا المتطوعين في مشاهدة الفيلم الذي قامت بتصويره شركة أصايل للدعاية والاعلان .

اليوم الثاني كان في نفس الكلية لكن مع فئة الجامعيين الذين أنهوا الثانوية العامة ، كانت التوعية مع هذه الفئة مميزة اذ يمتلكون بعض المفاهيم عن البيئة وشاركونا التشجير بروع رائعة وتكرر البرنامج في كلية تدريب غزة السياحية .

اليوم الثالث في عدة مدارس شاركت في التشجير وتعرفنا على أشخاص جدد شاكونا في التشجير وفي ثقافاتهم أيضا ونهاية اليوم توجهنا الي جامعة غزة وبدأ فريقنا بالعرض وانتهي البرنامج بالتشجير .

ايجابيات المشروع :

1- تنوع أنشطة المشروع مابين تشجير وتوعية واختلاط في المجتمع .

2- التعامل مع فئات متنوعة من المجتمع .

3- تناغم أعضاء الفريق سواء المجموعات الثلاثة أو الفريق ككل .

4- فتح المجال للتفكير بزيادة العمل التطوعي وتطوير الذات .

سلبيات المشروع :

1- كان التنسيق مع الجامعات والمؤسسات غير واضح حيث رفضت عدد من المؤسسات التعامل معنا.

2- الكثير من المشاركين كانوا يتغيبون عن الاجتماعات وأيام التوعية وهذا جعل المهام المطلوبة منهم تقع على آخرين .

المشروع بمجمله مميز ورائع ويستحق الجهد والوقت الذي قدمناه.

مبادرة صفر نفايات

ضحى حماد                                

Oct 10, 2013

Dubai Municipality registers 26 waste recycling companies

Due to the adoption of various advanced methods to treat and recycle waste, Dubai landfills have seen a remarkable decrease in the quantity of waste items reach there, says Dubai Municipality officials.
According to figures at the civic body, in 2012, the amount of industrial waste was reduced 13% while the decrease in total amount of waste was recorded as 3% comparing to that of 2011. Construction waste also reduced by 13%, thanks to Dubai Municipality's various efforts to bring in sustainability in waste management as well as various policies, programs and projects to protect environment and natural recourses.

Eng. Hamdan Al-Shaer, director, environment department at Dubai Municipality said in this regard: "Dubai Municipality has been constantly trying to propagate the culture of recycling and reusing objects among the citizen, instead of conventional way of throwing off"

"We, joining hands with several likeminded groups were trying to convince people that developing this culture is instrumental in bringing in sustainability and is a basic factor in improving living environment as well as its being a supporting point for other sectors to win their objectives in the field of sustainability.
"As a result of Dubai Municipality's efforts" Mr. Hamdan continued "there are so many companies have emerged in this field of which some 26 firms have registered with the civic body after fulfilling requirements and due conditions"

He said the activities of these companies vary like recycling paper, plastic, cooking oil, electronic equipments and batteries.
According to him all these registered companies are working in line with internationally approved methods and technologies, and after confirming that no risk is posed to the environment by their activities.

He said the companies have to submit periodical report on their activities at Dubai Municipality detailing quantity of raw materials, recycled stuff, to be analyzed by experts at the environment department systematically.

For further information:
Bishruddeen K Mohammed Ali
Media Officer, Media Section
Corporate Marketing & Relations Department
Dubai Municipality
+971 206 04 4654 +971 4 2232188

© Press Release 2013

Oct 8, 2013

Concurrent waste management challenges in Middle East

19 September 2013 (Published on behalf of fleminggulf)

Middle East is witnessing huge developments in the waste management sector. Bee’ah, one of the leading companies in waste management will be expanding its operations and reach in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in an effort to better the environment. With increase in the amount of waste generated, companies have been compelled to promote developments and strategies in effective waste management. In an article featured on Construction Week Online the chairman of Bee'ah, H.E. Salim Al Owais said, "Bee'ah has reached a point where it is now prepared to export and replicate its waste management expertise in other countries of the GCC and the Saudi environment market offers the greatest potential due to its vast landscape and its similarities with the Emirate of Sharjah in terms of population density and industrial areas".

Waste generation from the urban areas in the Middle Eastern region is over 150 million tons per year. Fleming Gulf Conferences through its fourth edition of Waste Management Middle East Forum to be held on 11-12 November in Dubai - UAE will gather waste management professionals from the Middle East to discuss practices to effectively manage waste. Dubai Municipality, Ministry of Environment - Oman, United Nations Environment Programme, GE Power Conversion and Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority will be presenting at the forum. Topics to be covered at the forum include concurrent waste management challenges in Middle East, dealing with construction & demolition waste and waste sector policy & regulatory framework in Abu Dhabi among others.

Challenges for air quality management is one of the key topics of the forum to be covered by Dr. Ömer Aga, Assoc. Professor, Head of Environmental Engineering Department from University of Dammam, KSA. He will focus on topics like linkages between air pollution & risk to human health, urban areas emissions & mortality in urban cities and suggestions to improve air quality in the region. Dr. Aga received his Ph.D. in Environmental Engineering from Middle East Technical University, Turkey in 2000. His research has focused on solid waste management, air quality and pollution control, water quality, and desalination. His research group has developed fully automated rainwater sequential sampler and web-based air pollution prediction system.

MAG Group International, an umbrella brand for over 70 Russian companies is the gold sponsor for the forum. The latest sponsors include Bee’ah, Enerkem, Keppel Integrated Engineering, Lavajet, MBM, Metso and Outotec GmbH Abu Dhabi. Energy from waste holds the key to satiate the growing energy demands world wide. With patronage from Ministry of Environment & Water, U.A.E for its previous edition the forum was a huge success with companies showcasing their technologies and learning more on aligning their operations with other industry players. Delegates at this edition will get an excellent opportunity to know more about these technologies at the forum through a balanced programme of case studies and presentations.

Media contact:
Ajay Nimbalkar
T : +971 4609 1570 | E :


Sep 23, 2013

Bee'ah to become MENA's first waste management company to adopt SAP mobile-enabled solutions

(Source: AMEinfo)
Leading and award-winning environment and waste management company, Bee'ah, has joined forces with SAP to become one of the first government entities in the Middle East to adopt mobile-enabled solutions.
The company will also become the first of its kind to run on solutions from SAP, the world's leading business software company, in an effort to streamline its operations and waste management activities.

The move will form a key part of Bee'ah's ambitions to achieve zero-waste to landfill by 2015 in Sharjah, as well as a bid to expand its operations across the Middle East.By implementing SAP, the company will benefit from the automation of a host of key processes, added analytical insight and increased operational flexibility.

"Bee'ah is proud to be leading the way for waste management in the region, and we are always looking for new ways to improve our performance and future prospects," said His Excellency Salim Al Owais, Chairman, Bee'ah.

"As the region's population continues to grow and its businesses continue to boom, we must be able to scale to cope with considerable waste management challenges. At the heart of our strategy is a desire to dramatically transform communities across the region for the better. SAP gives us a new focus, drive and a data-inspired confidence to move forward."

The project will entail Bee'ah running a mobile-enabled enterprise resource planning (ERP) platform that will automate key processes such as finance, human resources, sales and customer relationship management, thus optimizing its process flow and eliminating the use of paper-based forms. SAP will also provide cutting-edge analytics solutions to give the company unprecedented, data-led insight to support business optimisation and expansion plans.

A further phase will incorporate SAP's industry-specific waste management software, to potentially include municipal billing solutions, route and district management, real-time mobile order management, as well as process integration for improved speed and reduced costs.

"Bee'ah continues to change perceptions about sustainable development," said Khaled Al Huraimel, Group Chief Executive Officer, Bee'ah.

"Through adopting a world-class approach to waste management we have shown the true, enduring value of resource optimisation. Whether removing huge volumes of waste out of the equation or educating the local community about the four R's - reduce, re-use, recycle and recover - there is much work to be done. SAP gives us an operational edge to align ambition with tangible action."

Sam Alkharrat, Managing Director, SAP MENA, said: "This is the first time a waste management company in the region has adopted SAP's solutions and, as we know from our work in this industry across the world, the results are likely to prove extremely influential."

"Against the backdrop of accelerated, resource-intensive growth in the region, Bee'ah is an inspiring and increasingly vital company. Driven by visionary leadership, the business has undergone remarkable growth in recent years, and SAP is delighted to support its next chapters of success."

The SAP-enabled ERP technology is just one of Bee'ah's initiatives helping it become the region's leading environmental management company. Earlier this year, the company implemented GPS vehicle tracking and computerized route-optimization systems to maximize service productivity and develop more efficient routes for waste collection. The innovation has been instrumental in reducing environmental impacts caused by fuel consumption.

Jul 24, 2013

Press Release 201305: Managing waste for a greener tomorrow

24 July 2013: Growing population and infrastructural changes world over has given rise to the waste being accumulated. The waste aggregate in Middle East has increased over the years and per capita waste generation for the region is expected to boost up to 18 billion tons by the year 2020.

Abu Dhabi based marine contracting company Khamis Al Rumaithy (Kare), is planning to come up with a deepwater ship recycling facility. An article featured in Waste Management World stated that the company is looking for a plant to facilitate the recycling of tankers, carriers and ships. Bob Hawke, Kare's Managing Director mentioned that having a ship recylcing capacity in Abu Dhabi would serve as an excellent commercial prospect for the region. The project will totally comply to the environmental rules set up by the European Union and the United Nations International Maritime Organization.

In line to the initiatives taken by various companies, Fleming Gulf Conferences will be organizing the 4th edition of its Waste Management Middle East conference on 11-12 November 2013 in Dubai, UAE. The summit will bring together waste management professionals from world over to analyse the current scenario in the waste industry and devise new solutions to effectively reduce and reuse the waste. The forum is being supported by the Dubai Municipality. Dubai Municipality over the years has been active effectively managing and eradicating waste. It recently launched its secondary level of electro-hydraulic underground waste container project, an initiative to collect waste in underground containers. Abdul Majeed Saifaee, Director of the Waste Management Department, said the department hopes to solve the entire waste related issues in the next few years. This was mentioned in an atricle on Gulf News.

Key and eminent speakers at the summit will be representing organizations like Dubai Municipality, Ministry of environment- Oman, United Nations Environment Programme, University of Dammam, Keppel Integrated engineering, GE Power Conversion and Abu Dhabi Food Control Authority to name a few. The speakers will presenting on topics like concurrent waste management challenges in Middle East, developing an effective bio-medical waste management policy, hazardous waste management in Abu Dhabi, dealing with construction & demolition waste, waste sector policy & regulatory framework in Abu Dhabi and biological waste & safety in micro lab among others. Ahmed Zedjali, Head of Environment - Ministry of Environment; Oman and Eng. Abdulmajeed Saifee, Director of Waste Management Department - Dubai Municipality; UAE will head the panel on day one on effective waste & resource management – today & beyond.

Effectively handling waste has become the prime need of the hour to curb poisoning, injuries and infections. Fleming Gulf through its annual editions of Waste Management Forums has strived to bring experts together and develop new ways to manage waste. With patronage from Ministry of Environment & Water, U.A.E for its previous edition the summit was a huge success with companies showcasing their technologies and learning more on aligning their operations with other industry players. 2nd International Conference for Waste Management Muscat 2013 which was recently held in Oman with the support of Muscat Municipality, garnered a very good response seeing delegates and companies representing companies from in and around Middle East.

His Excellency Ahmed Bin Abdullah Bin Mohammed Al Shihi, Minister of Ministry of Regional Municipalities & Water Resources inaugurated the exhibition and conference.

A safe and secure future can be guaranteed if we act today. Be responsible and contribute towards a greener tomorrow.

Media contact:

Ajay Nimbalkar

Marketing Executive | Fleming Gulf

T : +971 4609 1570 | E :

Jul 12, 2013

The Menace of Single-Use Plastic Bags

Source: EcoMENA

Single-use plastic bags are one of the most objectionable types of litter in urban areas. The sheer volume of plastic waste generated coupled with energy and material resources required for production, as well as emissions resulting from these processes paint a grim picture of the environmental havoc created by plastic bags. Single-use plastic bags are a huge threat to the environment as an estimated 1 trillion such bags are consumed worldwide every year. In the United Arab Emirates alone, nearly 12 billion plastic bags are used annually.

Major Hazards

Single-use plastic bags are notorious for their interference in natural ecosystems and for causing the death of aquatic organisms, animals and birds. In 2006, The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) estimated that there are 46,000 pieces of plastic litter floating in every square mile of ocean and upto 80 percent of marine debris worldwide is plastic which are responsible for the death of a more than a million seabirds and 100,000 marine mammals each year from starvation, choking or entanglement. Infact, there is a huge floating dump in the Pacific Ocean called the "Great Pacific Garbage Patch" which is hundreds of miles wide and consists mostly of plastic debris caught  in the ocean's currents.

Plastic bags are mistakenly ingested by animals, like cows and camels, clogging their intestines which results in death by starvation. In addition, plastic bags clog urban drainage systems and contribute to flooding, as witnessed in Mumbai, Dhaka and Manila in recent decades. Moreover, toxic chemicals from single-use bags can enter the food chain when they are ingested by animals and birds.

Unfortunately only a small percentage of these bags are recycled each year, and most float about the landscape and create a tremendous expense in clean-up costs. Several countries, regions, and cities have enacted legislation to ban or severely reduce the use of disposable plastic shopping bags. Plastic bags litter serves as a floating transportation agent that enables alien species to move to new parts of the world thus threatening biodiversity.

Plausible Solutions

The hazards of single-use plastic bag can be mitigated by raising environmental awareness among communities. Many municipalities in the Gulf region are targeting shopping malls and grocery stores to reduce dependence on single-use plastic bags. Environmental education at workplaces, schools and residential areas is a vital tool in the fight against plastic bags. Empowering people to take proactive actions and encouraging them to be a part of the solution can also be helpful in reducing the reliance on single-use plastic bags.

Municipalities can make use of 5Rs of waste management – Rethink, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Recover – to encourage safe disposal of plastic bags which may be facilitated by mass deployment of plastic bag collection systems and recycling facilities at strategic locations. Some of the alternatives are cloth-based bags, such as jute and cotton, which biodegradable as well as reusable. Infact, the range of durable fabric shopping bags is growing each year in the Western countries, including those that can be conveniently folded up into a pocket.

The introduction of ‘plastic bags tax’ can also be a handy weapon in restricting use of single-use plastic bags in the Middle East. For example, Ireland introduced a plastic bag charge called PlasTax ten years ago which has virtually eliminated plastic bags in the country.

Regional Initiatives

The Middle East region has been slow in gearing up to the challenges posed by single-use plastic bags, though governments have been trying to raise public awareness aimed at behavioral change. The Ministry of Environment and Water in UAE launched an initiative called “UAE free of plastic bags” in 2009 to maintain the health of the natural habitat and enhance the environmental standards of the state. The Dubai Municipality has also launched an ambitious “No to Plastic Bags” campaign to slash 500 million plastic bags. There are similar efforts, but small-scale, efforts in Saudi Arabia, Qatar and Kuwait to encourage clean-up campaigns in seas, deserts and citites. In Egypt, the Red Sea (Hurghada) is the first plastic bag free governorate having introduced a ban in 2009 which generated employment opportunities for women who have been charged with creating cloth bags in the place of plastic bags.

About the Authors

Eaman Abdullah Aman is MRLS graduate in Environmental and Natural Resources Law and Policy with a specialization certificate in Energy Law and Policy from Denver University, USA. Her expertise encompasses international petroleum transactions, petroleum contracts and agreements, international petroleum investment operations, energy policy and economics of natural resources law and policy. She has rich knowledge on issues related to climate change mitigation, environmental law and policy, environmental ethics, energy security, sustainable development etc.

Salman Zafar is the Founder of EcoMENA and a renowned expert in waste management, renewable energy, environment protection and sustainability. He is widely acknowledged as an authority on environment and sustainability sector in the Middle East and proactively engaged in creating mass awareness on clean energy, environment and sustainability through his websites, blogs, articles and projects. Salman can be contacted on

May 30, 2013

Creative ways to reduce food waste by reusing your leftovers

Source: Zero Waste Europe

Instead of tossing out leftovers from last night’s dinner, transform them into a totally new dish. If you get creative enough, the family may not even realize that they are eating the same thing! Plus, it’s a huge money saver to cook once and serve twice, thrice or more!  Over the weekend, when things aren’t so rushed, bake a whole turkey or prepare a roast. Portion out the leftovers, then package them up so you can use them throughout the rest of the week. Freeze anything extra for the following week.  Here are 27 blog entries to give you some creative ideas for turning those leftovers into a whole new meal.

Discover interesting blogs help you to save money and reduce food waste. Click here

May 27, 2013

سويب نت: خطوة في الاتجاه الصحيح

أقيم في العاصمة المصرية القاهرة المنتدى الاقليمي الثالث للشبكة الإقليمية لتبادل المعلومات و الخبرات حول إدارة النفايات الصلبة في بلاد المشرق و المغرب. امتدت فعاليات المنتدى على ثلاث أيام في الفترة من 14- 16 مايو 2013 تحت عنوان ( نحو تخضير إدارة المخلفات الصلبة .. فرص جديدة للتشغيل و العدالة الاجتماعية و التنمية المستدامة في بلاد المشرق و المغرب). ومن الجدير ذكره أن الشبكة الحالية تضم عشر دول عربية و هي: الجزائر، مصر، الأردن، موريتانيا، المغرب، فلسطين، سوريا، تونس، لبنان و اليمن.

تم افتتاح المنتدى الإقليمي بكلمة وزير الدولة لشئون البيئة في مصر، الدكتور فهمي خالد حيث أكد على دور الشبكة الإقليمية (سويب نت) التكاملي و ربطها بالشبكة الوطنية المصرية لتبادل المعلومات و الخبرات في ذات المجال حيث تم التوقيع على الميثاق التأسيسي للشبكة بهدف إرساء منظومة إقليمية موحده للدعم الفني المتبادل و دعم القدرات و تبادل أفضل الممارسات و الخبرات في مجال إدارة النفايات الصلبة.

شارك بالمنتدى ما يقارب 150 شخص من 19 دولة يمثلون شريحة عريضة من خبراء دوليّين، صناع القرار في القطاع الحكومي و المنظمات الأهلية، الجهات المانحة، القطاع الأكاديمي و المؤسسات البحثية.  جاءت فعاليات المؤتمر متمركزة في خمس جلسات على النحو التالي:

1-      الأبعاد السياسية و المالية للاقتصاد الأخضر
 - Waste management and Green economy
Mr.Gerfried Habenicht,Communications manager, ISWA Secretariat Vienna
- Partnerships in Product Stewardship and Informal Recycling
Ms. Barbara Oeltz, Planning and development, GIZ Germany
- National SWM programme in Egypt
Mr. Ahmed Said & Mr Joachim Stretz, EEAA Egypt &GIZ Egypt
- Cost of Environmental Degradation due to MunicipalSolid Waste Management Practices in the MENA Region
Mr. Sherif Arif, PhD, World Bank and SWEEP-Net senior Consultant
2-      انتاج الطاقة من النفايات، حل لمنطقتنا؟ 
       - Waste-to-Energy issue & the Mitigation Projects in Energy Sector in Jordan
Mr. Mohammed Al-Dabbas,Director Energy Efficiency & Conservation, Ministry of Energy & Mineral Resources, Jordan
- Waste-to-Energy: Thermochemical pathways
Mr. Isam Janajreh, PhD, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering,Masdar Institute, UAE
- Valorisation of municipal and industrial waste as an alternative fuel in cement industries: Case of Morocco
Mr. Hassan Chouaouta,President, AMEDE, Morocco
  3-      المخلفات العضوية كمصدر لادرار الدخل 

- Utilization of Plant Residues in Industrial Applications
Mr. Joerg Fettke,PhD, University of Potsdam,Institute of Biochemistry and Biology, Germany
- Composting of Green wastes in the town of Kelibia - Tunisia : A green and promising solution
Mr. Wahid Jenhani,President, Environmental Association of Kelibia, Tunisia
- Plant and Marine waste byproducts used in Novel Pharmaceuticals and Nutraceuticals
Mr. Hans-Georg Breitinger,PhD, Professor, the German University in Cairo,Faculty of Pharmacy and Biotechnology, Egypt
  4-      ادارة و اعادة تدوير الخلفات الالكترونية 

- Egyptian Green ICT Initiative
Ms. Hoda Shakr a, Supervisor, Green Information and Communications Technology program, MCIT Egypt
- Global Circular Economy of Strategic Metals - Best oftwo worldsapproach (Bo2W)
Mr. Matthias Buchert, PhD, Head of Infrastructure and Enterprises division,Oko Institute, Germany
- E-Waste in emerging markets: an opportunity
Mr. Ruben Janse van Rensburg,Environmental Manager, Africa, Hewlett Packard
- Electric and electronic waste management in Tunisia (D3E)
Ms. Amel Guinoubi,Project coordinator, National Waste Management Agency,Tunisia (ANGed)
- E-waste learnings from Nokia™s Middle East and Africa experience
Ms. Ulrike Vott,Sustainability manager MEA, Nokia, Sweden
 5-      ادارة النفايات الصلبة على المستوى المحلي، نحو "صفر نفايات" 

- Moving to wards Zero Waste in Yemen: Opportunities and Challenges
Mr. Muammer El-Eryani- Ministry of Local Adminis tration in Yemen, SWEEP-Net National Coordinator, Yemen
- Solid Waste Mangement In Amman City: Ras Al Ain Region
Mr. Nidal Akili, Mayor of Ras Alain Region, Jordan
- Solid Waste Management in the town of Tanger, Morocco
Mr. Abderrahim Mouhssine, Engineer, Tanger municipality, Morocco
- Solid waste management in Casablanca, Morocco
Ms. Amal Kouraa,Administrator within the Regional Environment Service of Greater Casablanca, Department of the Environment, Morocco

لإيماننا بوجوب العمل المشترك بين جميع الأطر لضمان تحقيق استدامة متكاملة، كانت مبادرة Zero Waste MENA  حاضرة حيث شاركت بورقة عمل حول إدارة النفايات العضوية في قطاع غزة- فلسطين. تحدثت عن الوضع الخاص للقطاع متمثلا بضيق المساحة الجغرافية و الازدياد المفرط في عدد السكان خلال السنين القادمة مما قد يؤدي إلى تدهو الوضع بشكل كبير. و من ثم استعراض عدد من الحلول و الاستراتيجيات التي يمكن تطبيقها من أجل الحد من المشكلة. 

في اليوم الثالث و الأخير، خرج المشاركون في المؤتمر بميثاق القاهرة التي يهدف إلى وضع الأسس و الاطارات العامة من أجل النهوض بقطاع النفايات الصلبة و البدء بالتنمية الفعلية في هذا القطاع الجديد. لقد تم صياغة الميثاق عن طريق عدة جلسات عمل و مجموعات نقاشية لضمان المشاركة الجماعية. كان هناك اجماع كبير بين الحاضرين على نجاح جميع فعاليات المؤتمر في تحقيق الأهداف الخاصة بعقده و لكنني ،و من منظوري الشخصي، افتقدت حلقة كان من المفروض تواجدها لضمان نجاح مثالي. أعتقد أنه كان يجب أن تكون احدى الجلسات مخصصة لرجال الأعمال و المستثمرين لإلقاء الضوء أكثر على الجوانب الاقتصادية لمشاريع ادارة النفايات الصلبة. لا أنكر أن العديد من المشاركين تطرقوا لهذا الجانب و لكن أغلب المشاركات كانت بحثية خالصة في حين أن عالم الاقتصاد الواقعي يحتاج إلى تواصل متواصل مع  أصحاب رؤوس الأمول لمعرفة تخوفاتهم  من الاستثمار في هذا القطاع.  

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